Summary of the Water Heater Warranty Repairs Video
Good afternoon, my name is Benjamin with Graham Plumbing and today we’re changing out a control valve and pilot assembly. The pilot assembly went bad, water heater was still in the warranty, so they sent over some repair warranty parts. The control valve does get gunked up after a while, calcium interferes with the thermostat and starts going bad.
Melissa T.
Five Star Google ReviewSo we, we’ve already put in the new one on there, the new pilot assembly. You have to get a new pilot assembly because you just can’t change out the thermocouple. The thermocouple is combined with these three other tubes and a rubber to make sure that no seals, no exhaust fumes come out. And we’re going to put it right back and light the water heater up so they won’t have any issues further down the line.
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